Now that we have gone over some left hand exercises, we are now going to tackle the right hand. These right hand exercises can be used as both a warm-up and also as a speed building exercise as well.
The first exercise is a basic chromatic run up the neck starting on the first fret of the low E string and moving up the neck vertically across the strings staying on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th frets. When you get to the high E string, you're going to shift position over one fret and go down the neck starting on your pinky this time. Do that as far as your frets will allow.
Remember to use strict alternate picking starting on a down stroke the first time through these, and then when you make it all the way over and back, start on an up stroke. We do this because there is going to be a time when you're going to be playing something and you won't have the luxury of starting on a down stroke and if you try to change your picking like that, you're going to screw up.
The second example is a basic chromatic exercise in a 5/4 meter, so it might be a bit tricky, but all you're doing is taking that first bar of notes and moving it up the fretboard laterally by half-steps.
Once you master the 2nd example, try the 3rd, which entails keeping your left hand in the same position while moving the pattern over to the next adjacent string pattern. This exercise focuses on developing your picking mobility across all 6 strings.
For the fourth example, the pattern is still the same, except this one not only entails you to move this ten-note idea across all the strings, but also chromatically up the fretboard. You should start off by playing this one slowly, making sure your hands are synchronized. Once you get a feel for the position shifts, try increasing the tempo. And you should be practicing all of these exercises with a metronome!
Now it's time for a little variation on those chromatic exercises, and what better way to do it then by playing them backwards! The 5th example starts off on the high E string and works its way down the neck, playing the chromatic line descending instead of ascending, while keeping the same melodic contour. Now you can apply the variations found in examples 2, 3, and 4 to this example, but I'll let you figure those out on your own.
Example 6 is another chromatic exercise, but this time, you're going to be moving each finger individually down each string with each finger being one half-step apart from the other one. This is another good one to help facilitate picking between each string group. Make sure that you start this one off slow and get the coordination between each hands down, then slowly bring the tempo up. That goes for examples 7-10, which are all just variations of example 6. And also make sure you are using strict alternate picking.