Alright! Example 7 is in shuffle beat. Using shuffle in funk is not common practice, but makes for a nice deviation of the norm. And in the words of the late, great Frank Zappa; “Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible”. Never be afraid to experiment, and try to remember every stupid thing you do, many pf them might end up as great pieces of music!
I have also incorporated the use of 8th note triplets in this one, since shuffle beat and triplets goes together like love and marriage. This quick change between shuffle and triplets might stump you at first, so I suggest you try practicing triplets first, then shuffle, and then try to combine them, once you have each of them down separately.
Finally, a new chord is lurking over in the second bar. This time it’s a D7 (root, major third, dominant 7. A very traditional voicing) that rears its ugly head. You will also notice how I use a different bass line to support his chord change. You will find this bass line among the backing tracks in the end of the tutorial.
Ready? Then turn the page for the last rhythm example!