Greetings Guitarslingers!
Welcome to my tutorial on Line Alteration!
As is mentioned in the video, the goal of this tutorial is for you to understand the concept of line alteration, not just to learn the licks and improvisations transcribed herein.
It is very important that you apply this concept as soon as possible on all of your own ideas and licks that you already know. If you do this successfully, you can expand and vary your improvisation tremendously!
I also want you to first review my Pentatonic Finder and Unlocking the Fretboard tutorials, to have all the tools you need to really grasp and be able to use this concept to its full. You should also check out my Timing and Note Value Variation tutorial, to understand more about how my variations comes to be.
The basic idea is to take a simple lick or line, and play it in many different positions. Then you let the actual fingering of that position guide your improvisation as you strive to alter that lick or line. Of course, you must also let the rhythm of the background you’re playing over, and the chords themselves guide the note choice and note value you choose to use.
I will go through a series of 5 different lines and their respective alterations, and then I will finish up by improvising over a backingtrack and transcribing that solo. The backingtrack is provided in the end of the tutorial for you to practice over).
Nuff’ said! Let’s get to work shall we?